Basic Operational Concepts in CAO
Figure : Connections between the
processor and the memory.
• Programs
reside in the memory through input devices
• PC is set to point to the first instruction
• The contents of PC are transferred to MAR
• A Read signal is sent to the memory
• The first instruction is read out and loaded
into MDR
• The contents of MDR are transferred to IR
• Decode and execute the instruction
operands for ALU
- General-purpose register
- Memory (address to MAR – Read – MDR to
• Perform operation in ALU
• Store the result back
- To general-purpose register
- To memory (address to MAR, result to MDR
– Write)
• During the execution, PC is incremented to
the next instruction
For Ex.
Add LOCA, R0
the operand at memory location LOCA to the operand in a register R0 in the
the sum into register R0..
is fetched from the memory into the processor
operand at LOCA is fetched and added to the contents of
R0 – the resulting sum is stored in register R0.
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