Design, Coding, Testing, Implementation and Maintenance

Software Design

 In this phase, the designer plans how a software system should be developed in order to make it functional,reliable, understandable, modifiable and maintainable.
                                     The purpose of design phase is to produce a solution to a problem given in SRS document.

Module Coupling
          Coupling is the measure of degree of interdependence between modules.

Loosely coupled system are made up to modules which are relatively independent.
Highly coupled system share a great deal of dependent between modules.
Uncoupled modules have no interconnections at all.
A good design will have low coupling.Thus , interfaces should be carefully specified in order to keep low value of coupling.

      Most Desirable <--------------------------------------------------------------------------Least Desirable
                                           Coupling Spectrum

Module Cohesion

Cohesion is a measure of degree to which elements of a module are functionally related.
      Least Desirable ----------------------------------------------------------------------> Most Desirable
                                              Cohesion Spectrum

Maximize cohesion and minimize coupling.

Software Testing
Testing is the process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors.Complete or exhaustive is just not possible.
Verification and Validation
   (i) Verification: Checking the software with respect to specifications
   (ii) Validation: Checking the software with respect to customer's expectations.
Acceptance Testing: Testing is conducted the customer to validate all requirements.
Alpha and Beta Testing:
   (i) Used when the software is developed as a product for anonymous customer.
   (ii) The alpha tests are conducted at the developer's site by customer.
   (iii) The Beta tests are conducted by the customer at their site.

* Testing and debugging are two different processes which occurs at same time which identifies bug and the other removes the bug (respectively).

Unit Testing: Test the functionality within the module.
Integration Testing: Tests are focused more on interaction between modules.
System Testing: Tests the software as part of the bigger system for which it was created.
Regression Testing: Ensures that in process of modifying the existing system, the original functionality of the system was not disturbed.
Functional Testing: It is also referred as "Black box Testing" which involves only observation of the output for certain input values.
     (i) Boundary Value Analysis: The basic idea of boundary value analysis is to use input variable values at their minimum, nominal value and maximum.
      (ii) Equivalence Class Testing: Input domain of a program is partitioned into a finite number of equivalence classes such that one can reasonably assume that the test of a representative value of each class is equivalent to a test of any other value.
      (iii) Decision Table Based Testing : A decision table is most widely adapted graphical tool for representing process specification.
Decision tables are useful for describing situation in which a number of combination of actions are taken under varying set of conditions.These  are used to represent and analyze complex logical relationship.

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