Time Stamp Ordering Protocols

Assigns global unique time stamp to each transaction and produces order for transaction submission. Advantages with time stamping: Free from Deadlock and Ensuring serializability.

Basic Time Stamp Ordering Protocol

1. Transaction T issues R(A) option:
    (a) If WTS(A) > TS(T) then roll back T
    (b) Otherwise allow to execute R(A) successfully.
          Set RTS(A) = max {TS(T), RTS(A)}
2. Transaction T issues W(A) operation:
    (a) If RTS(A) > TS(T) then roll back.
    (b) If WTS(A) > TS(T) then roll back.
    (c) Otherwise execute W(A) option set WTS(A) = {TS(T)}

Thomas Write Rule Stamp Ordering Protocol

1. Transaction T issues R(A) option:
    (a) If WTS(A) > TS(T) then roll back T
    (b) Otherwise execute successfully.
                         Set RTS(A) = max {TS(T), RTS(A)}
2. Transaction T issues W(A) operation:
    (a) If RTS(A) > TS(T) then roll back T.
    (b) If WTS(A) > TS(T) then ignore W(A) and continue execution of trans T.

Strict Time Stamp Ordering  Protocol

   A transaction T2 that issues a R(A) or W(A) such that TS(T2) > WTS(X) has its read write option delayed until the transaction T1 that write the value x has committed or rolled back.

Wait Die Protocol

  Write the transaction in ascending order of time stamp values.
  If T1 required resource that is hold by T2, T1 wait for T2 to unlock.
  If T2 required resource that is hold by T1, then roll back T2 and restart with same time stamp value.

Wound Wait Protocol

 Write the transaction in ascending order of TS values.
 If T1 required resource that is hold by T2 then roll back T2 and restart with same time stamp value.
 If T2 required resource that is hold by T1 than T2 wait for T1 to unlock.
 Both wait die and wound wait protocols may have starvation.

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