why should study Algorithm Design and Analsis
- It us basically an analytical and conceptual subject.
- After this , students will be able to select an appropriate problem solving strategies for real world.
2)Greedy methods
3)Dynamic Programming
- Important for all branches of CSE/IT subject.
- Play key role in modern technological innovation
- Time complexity & space complexity
Algorithm and Function:-
An algorithm can be converted into a function
Problem :-Find smallest element in an array
Step :1 Set min=A[10]
Step :2 min Index=0
Step :3 for(i=1 to n-1)
if[Ai]<A[min Index]) Set minIndex =1
Step :4 return min Index
Problem ----->Algorithm ---------1)Time (No. of (machine Instruction executed)
2)Space (Memory use--RAM)
Time Complexity :- It is a function describing the amount of time an algorithm take in terms of amount of input to the algorithm.
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