Hashing is a searching technique based on hash table and the application of a function to the key value that result in mapping the range of possible key values into smaller range of relative address.
Type of hashing function
1) Direct Hashing:-The direct hashing is a no algorithm and not collision (Minimum no. of collision).
Limited and It is not suitable for large key values.
2) Modulo-Division Hashing:-
- Middle of square
- Key is squared and the address is selected from the middle of the square no.
- Problem-Non - Uniform distribution of the key.
Type of hashing function
1) Direct Hashing:-The direct hashing is a no algorithm and not collision (Minimum no. of collision).
Limited and It is not suitable for large key values.
2) Modulo-Division Hashing:-
- Middle of square
- Key is squared and the address is selected from the middle of the square no.
- Problem-Non - Uniform distribution of the key.
K2= (9452)2
K = 9452
= 89 3403
H(K) = 3403
Folding Hashing
Fold-shift hashing :-
Key value is divides into parts where size matches the size of the required address.
K = 123456789 { 3 }
K = 123 456 789 ( 123 + 456 + 789 )
H(K) = 368
Fold-boundary hashing:-
Left and Right no. are folded on a fixed boundary between them and the center no
K = 123 456 789
( 321 + 456 + 987 )
H(7) = 764.
Pseudo Random Hashing :-
Y = ax + c
a = choose coefficient
c = constant
n = list size
H(K) = Y mod n
Y = random no.
a = 121267
x = 17
c = 7
Y = 2061546
H(K) = 2061546 mod n
collision Resolution
Subtraction Hashing :-
Subtract a fixed no from key
H(K) = K - c
c is a fixed no.
- Like direct hashing
- No collision
- Suitable for small lists
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