Database Management System (DBMS)

Data:- It is set of isolated and unrelated raw facts with implicit meaning.
eg: Name , Image , Video/sounds

Information:- When data is processed and converted into meaningful and useful form.
eg: Ram is a boy. 

Database:- A database is a collection of related data from which user can efficiently retrieve desired information.
eg: Rhona  24  CSE
 A Database Management System (DBMS) is a set of computer programs that controls the creation, maintenance, and the use of the database of an organization and its end users.

Application of DBMS
  • Banking
  • Airlines and Railway
  • Education
  • Debit card and Credit card transaction 
  • Telecommunication
  • E-commerce and M-commerce
  • Healthcare
  • Sales
  • Digital Libraries

Components of a DBMS

1. Query processor

2. Run time database manager

3. Data Manager

4. Data Dictionary

5. DML Compiler

6. Storage Manager

7. Data Structure

8. DDL Interpreter

9. Query Evaluation Engine
Architecture of Dbms
What is the importance of a database management system?
                  A database management system is important because it manages data efficiently and allows users to perform multiple tasks with ease
Execution Process of a DBMS
(i)  Users issue a query using particular database language, for example, SQL commands.
(ii) The passes query is presented to a query optimizer, which uses information about how the data is stored to produce an efficient execution plan for the evaluating the query.
(iii) The DBMS accepts the users SQL commands and analyses them.  
Query processor  

DML Compiler

Embedded DML Pre-Compiler

DDL Interpreter

Query Evaluation Engine
Storage Manager 
Authorization and Integrity Manager
Transaction Manager
File Manager
Buffer Manager
Data Structure
Data Files
Data Dictionary
Statistical Data



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