Lexical Analysis

A program written in one high level language (source language) producing output in low level language (object or target language) is called compiler.

Cross Compiler

A compiler that runs on one machine 'A' and produces a code for another machine 'B'.
Example : (a) Compiler runs on machine A , which takes input language X and produces output language Y.
(b) Compiler runs on machine A and produces code Y for another machine B.

Compiler Parts 

There are two major parts of a compiler:
1. Analysis Phase : An intermediate representation is created from the given source program
      (i) Lexical Analyzer
      (ii) Syntax Analyzer
      (iii) Semantic Analyzer
2. Synthesis Phase : Equivalent target program is created from intermediate representation
       (i) Intermediate Code Generator
       (ii) Code Generator
       (iii) Code Optimizer

                                         Compiler Phases

Language Processing System


Lexical analyzer reads a source program character by character to produce tokens.

A token can represent more than one lexeme , additional information should be held for that specific lexeme.This additional information is called as attribute of the token.
Token type and its attribute uniquely identify a lexeme.
Regular expressions are used to specify patterns and finite automata is used to recognise tokens.
Token identified by lexical analyzer : Keyword , constants , identifiers , operators and symbols.

Designing of Lexical Analyzer

Write a formal description of the tokens and use a software tool that constructs table-driven lexical analyzer.
Design a state diagram that describes the tokens and write a program that implement the state diagram.
Design a state diagram that description the tokens and hand-construct a table-driven implement of the state diagram.

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